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No.278, November 2018

Stun 278
No. 278 - November 2018

Click on the picture to open this edition of The Amsterdam Stun in a new window. To view it, you need Adobe Reader software which is available from here.

The Editor's Bit

I really should start thinking about the cover a bit earlier each month if I’m going to challenge you with a Cover Competition. I think I’ll give it a miss this month, unless you can guess what I was subconsciously thinking when I took it. I don’t know myself, so the answer could be anything; I’ve thought of one possibility, but I’m open to other ideas. I’ll award an Honourable Mention to anybody who can come up with something that’s either plausible or makes me laugh.

The Stun’s 25th Anniversary Party in Molly Malone’s was a rip-roaring success and everybody had a great time; Joanie’s ‘special’ chocolates went down particularly well. My photos of the party are on pages 16 & 17, but Jennie took one of me.

Olivia and Fritz, formerly of Olly De Quartz, were in town for a short holiday, but just missed the Stun party, so I had a photo taken with them in Maloe Melo.

I went to the Halloween party in the Waterhole dressed as a “Blood-sucking Brexit Bastard”. MC Rory was Ziggy Stardust.

All the usual stuff is here, so enjoy your Stun!