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No.294, March 2020

Stun 294
No. 294 - March 2020

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The Editor's Bit

My faith in humanity has been restored! Within 24 hours of the last Stun hitting the bars and going online, two of our faithful readers emailed me with the correct answer to February’s Cover Competition, even though we didn’t have any physical prizes. Honourable Mentions go out to Steve Currie for knowing the statue is on Rokin, opposite the Munttoren, and Alan Sells gets his name in bold type for not only knowing the location, but also knowing it’s called Lady Fortune.

For this month’s Cover Competition, all you have to do is tell me where the statue is. As usual, there are no real prizes, but if you give me the correct answer, you’ll get an Honourable Mention in this column next month, and if you tell me who the statue depicts, I’ll print your name in bold type.

We might not give away any big prizes, but they do at the International Pub Quiz in Lagunitas TapKabinet; quiz master Charmain presented Jen, Lesley and myself with drink vouchers worth €60 when we won last month. It’s my current favourite quiz, probably because we’ve won a couple of times, but it would be even better if there were more teams taking part; we like a bit of competition, and the more teams, the bigger the prize! It’s every Monday at Lagunitas TapKabinet in De Pijp.

We’ve got photos from a couple of parties I went to, along with all of our usual stuff, and if you can’t get enough of the writings of Terry Mann, take a look at his Facebook Page: An American in Amsterdam

Enjoy your Stun.