No.297, August 2020
No. 297 - August 2020
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The Editor's Bit
Nothing in life seems to make any sense at the moment and I’m not just talking about Corona, lock-down or social distancing. I’m talking about the Lego statue of Andre Hazes that was on the cover of last month’s Stun! It was a last minute decision for me to make it the cover photo because I was originally planning to use one of the statue of Peter Stuyvesant in the courtyard of the West-Indisch Huis, but I thought it might be too controversial at the time. Even if you don’t like the music of Andre Hazes, it was a fun looking statue, so how could anybody be offended by it?
Somebody must have, because the same night I sent the last Stun to the printers, Lego Hazes was decapitated!
It’s been a while since our last Cover Competition, so can you tell me where the statue on this month’s cover is located? No prizes, just the chance of an honourable mention if you get it right, but if you can name the statue as well, you’ll be mentioned in this column for sure, in bold type!
Even though it was my birthday, I didn’t have a party; they just happened to have live music in Molly Malone’s the same night and a lot of friends turned up to buy me a drink. I didn’t take any photos, but somebody took one of me with my newest friend Joy, her daughter Fiona, who I’ve known a bit longer, and my close friend Helena.
Coco’s Outback maintenance manager Pat has retired! Photos from his retirement party are on pages 6 & 7, but here’s one of me with Pat, my old friend Tommy and former Coco’s barman Adriaan.
Kerry insisted on a photo of us together, next to Nuala’s memorial in H. Murray’s. Kerry has gone back to Belfast now, but the photos from her leaving party are on pages 12 & 13.
Jeff was outside Hotel Internationaal having a smoke and asked for a photo with me. After a couple of failed selfie attempts, I took him into H. Murray’s and got somebody else to take it.
Now that the English football season has finished, at last, we can reveal who has won our Premier Predictions League on page 17.
All of our usual stuff is here, so enjoy your August edition of the Amsterdam Stun.