No.306, June 2022

No. 306 - June 2022
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The Editor's Bit
I’ll start this month’s Bit by giving out an Honourable Mention to Shakira in Café Oporto, who knew the answer to last month’s Cover Competition as soon as she saw the last Stun; it’s her daughter Cleo’s favourite statue and it’s on Hoofddorpplein!
For this month’s Cover Competition, there’s an Honourable Mention up for grabs if you can tell me where the statue is located, and Brownie points if you can tell me who it is of.
As usual, you can send your entry to any of the contact details mentioned on page 2, or you can tell me to my face if you see me in a bar, but if you’re wrong, don’t expect an answer.
You may be wondering how I decide what’s going on the cover every month; I can tell you that despite having had statues as the theme for the last three years, it’s usually last minute blind panic! I had to get on my bike and dodge the rain the day before this Stun went to the printers for this month’s cover. Luckily, there’s a map at with all of the public artworks around Amsterdam to help me find something for the next Stun cover.
I’ve got another problem with my foot now! I can’t walk very far before the pain kicks in, but riding my bike goes a lot easier, as long as I don’t drink too much! With that in mind, I’m glad that twins Steven & Brian celebrated with Remco, who has the same birthday, in De Blauwe Druif on Haarlemmerstraat; it’s close to my home so I didn’t need my bike and could enjoy the day with Jeroen, Paula and Bobby, along with Steven’s son Sean, amongst others.
You can find out who won this season’s Premier Predictions League on page 17 and all of our usual stuff is here, so enjoy your June edition of the Amsterdam Stun!