No.314, February 2023

No. 314 - February 2023
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The Editor's Bit
We didn’t have a Cover Competition last month and until last week, I didn’t have a clue what to put on the cover this time until a friend pointed out this metal monstrosity while we were walking her dog. So, for this month’s Cover Competition, all you have to do is tell me where the cover photo was taken and there’s a bonus point if you know the name of the artwork. As usual, there are no prizes, but the first person with the correct answer will get an Honourable Mention on this page next month. You can send in your entry, contact details on page 2, or tell me in person if you see me in a bar somewhere around town.
When I was 12 years old, one of my teachers thought I was a good candidate for the school hockey team (I was a crap football player) but the training clashed with the after-school photography club. Luckily for you, I chose cameras over running around a muddy field with a stick, otherwise the Amsterdam Stun might never have seen the light of day! I learnt all the main rules: composition, exposure, shutter speed, depth of field, and most important, focus, because back then, you couldn’t see the result until you’d either developed the film yourself in a darkroom or sent it off to be done. It’s much easier since I went digital back in 1999, but technology has moved on, so despite sticking to the first four rules, I’ve become dependent on my cameras’ auto-focus, which doesn’t always give the desired result.
At JurVest in Paradiso (see pages 20-23), I didn’t get a photo of me with Jur, but I did get one with my old friend Shaun. He’s a bit older than me, so I might be calling on his advice as I rapidly race towards retirement age.
Don’t panic! I’m not planning on stopping with the Amsterdam Stun anytime soon, I’ve already booked Molly Malone’s for the 30th Anniversary party in October, but if anybody wants to take over the Stun, I’m open to offers because I’m not getting any younger.
You’ll find all of our regular stuff in these 24 pages, so enjoy your Stun.