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No.328, May 2024

Stun 328
No. 328 - May 2024

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The Editor's Bit

Loads of you knew the answer to last month’s Cover Competition; the three spires are from the Posthoornkerk on Haarlemmerstraat, but there can only be one winner! The first person to give me the correct answer was Steven Krijger, so he gets the Honourable Mention!

For this month’s Cover Competition, all you have to do is tell me where the beauty on the cover is located. I’ll give you a clue; it’s inside a bar, but in keeping with the current theme, you have to look up!

As usual, no prizes, but the first person to tell or send me (contact details on page 2) the correct answer will get an Honourable Mention in this column next month.

It’ll come as no surprise that I’ve got plenty of photos from around the bars on Kings Day for you this month, including one of Paula with me for our annual photo together in Café Oporto on Kings Day.

For a change, Café Oporto wasn’t my last stop of the day and I managed to visit a few more bars on my walk home, including the Blarney Stone, where Fiona insisted on a photo with me; how could I say no?! There are more photos from around the bars on Kings Day on pages 10, 11, 14 & 19.

I wasn’t out as much as usual last month, which meant I didn’t take enough photos to fill 24 pages, but had too many for 20, so some things had to go! I had to drop Terry’s column and the crossword, for this month only, because we need the Gig List, Jokes Page and Being Frank on Football, especially now Ipswich have just been promoted! Enjoy your Stun!