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No.330, July 2024

Stun 330
No. 330 - July 2024

Click on the picture to open this edition of The Amsterdam Stun in a new window. To view it, you need Adobe Reader software which is available from here.

The Editor's Bit

Nobody knew the answer to last month’s Cover Competition! I’m not surprised; you have to look up! That has been the theme of Stun covers since last November, so I was quite surprised to see that the Royal Palace on the Dam’s latest exhibition is called “Hoog! Kijk omhoog,” which translates as “High! Look up!” Do you think King Willem Alexander is a secret Stun reader and copied my idea?

Anyway, that dismembered arm that nobody remembers seeing is on top of the pink building on Nassauplein and is clearly visible from the 22 bus stop, and on Google StreetView!

This month’s Cover Competition should be a lot easier; how can you miss seeing this golden angel looking down on the terrace as you as you tuck into the tastiest tapas in town? The first person to give me the correct location of the angel will get an Honourable Mention in this column, and maybe a few others will get a Mention if we get multiple entries. Contact details are on page 2, or you can tell me in person if you meet me in a bar, but if that’s the case, make sure I write it down because I can be a bit forgetful.

One competition where we do have a REAL prize is our annual Premier Predictions League, sponsored by Coco’s Outback. Mister Coco himself, Edward, flew back from Aruba after crossing the Atlantic and cruising around the Caribbean on Coco’s Breeze to present the winner of last season’s competition with the prize of 4 x €15 vouchers for food/drink, but Jim lives in Scotland, so I posted them to him.

I’m pleased to say that Coco’s Outback are continuing their sponsorship of our Premier Predictions League: If you want to be in with a chance of winning, full details are on page 17.

Crossword fans will be thrilled to hear that it’s back after being absent for two months, and despite not being invited to any wild parties, all of our usual stuff is here in this compact 20 page edition of your Amsterdam Stun: Enjoy!