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No.334, December 2024

Stun 334
No. 334 - December 2024

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The Editor's Bit

There’s no cover competition this month; I passed a nicely lit tree while I was in a tram that I thought would make for a great cover photo, but when I went back with my camera, it was in darkness, so I took this one of the festive lights on Damrak instead.

Maybe the traditionalists who don’t want anything Christmassy until after Sinterklaas had something to do with it; the tree on Beursplein that we featured on last December’s cover was also unlit that night.

Two of our readers came up with the correct answer to last month’s Cover Competition, so Honourable Mentions go to Jazz and Doda for knowing it was one of the statues outside the RAI Congress Centre in Zuid. Jazz has taken a new interest in our cover competitions after appearing on the front of the October Stun and Doda knew the answer because he helped erect the statues eight years ago.

December is THE party month, kicking off with the Blarney Stone’s 35th Anniversary weekend! I couldn’t make it to the opening night because I was working an evening shift but I’ll be there for this party; just have to decide which ??th Anniversary T-shirt to wear.

I don’t know how many other parties I’ll make it to, but if I’m not there, feel free to take photos that you’d like me to put in the next Stun; contact details are on page 2.

Rob in the Poolbar sent us so many photos, we had to give him the whole of page 14. Alas, that meant there was no room for the crossword this time, but all of our usual stuff is here, including a full page of Christmas Jokes.

Here’s wishing you a Very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and enjoy your Stun.